
At Wansdyke Primary School we want and expect our pupils to attend school every day, unless they are really not well enough to.

We believe children who attend regularly are more likely to feel settled in school, maintain friendships, keep up with their learning and gain the greatest benefit from their education.

Attending on time every day also helps pupils form good habits which can stay with them throughout their education and on into the workplace. 

Support for your child in school

Please remember we are here to help in any way we can. If you have any concerns about your child that you wish to discuss with us, please do get in touch.

You can contact us by emailing or phoning the school office 0117 903 0218.

Arriving at school on time

Arriving at school on time is not only essential for the pupil’s own learning, it encourages habits of good timekeeping and lessens any classroom disruption. Late arrival means pupils risk missing important information which can seriously disadvantage them.

Pupils can arrive from 8.45am and enter their classroom. Breakfast club is also available daily from 7.50am and can be booked through the school office.

  • All pupils are expected to arrive at school in good time for the start of the school day at 9am.
  • If a pupil arrives after 9am they will be marked in the register as late.

Staff may ask to meet with parents/carers of pupils who regularly arrive late to discuss reasons for lateness and explore solutions.


Pupils should attend school on every day the school is open, unless they are really not well enough to.

Minor ailments should not be a reason for staying at home. If your child attends school when feeling slightly under the weather, do let a member of staff know and we will monitor them and contact you if we think they need to go home. If you aren’t sure whether or not to send your child to school, please contact the school office and we will be happy to advise.

If your child is too ill to attend, you must notify the School before 9am on the first day of absence. If your child is ill for more than one day, you will need to notify the School on each morning of the absence, unless otherwise agreed.

To report an absence contact the school office. Please clearly explain the symptoms your child has, when the symptoms started, and when you expect your child to be well enough to return to school. By law, schools must record all absences and whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised.

Medical and dental appointments

Please try to avoid medical and dental appointments in school time. If this is unavoidable, arrange appointments so the minimum school time is lost. Unless it is an emergency appointment, parents/carers are expected to let the School know about the appointment in advance, with evidence of the appointment.  

Unexplained absences

The School will follow up any pupil absences where the parent/carer has not contacted us to explain why, or where we are unclear about the reason for absence.

If you fail to notify us of the reason for your child’s absence, it will be recorded as unauthorised.

Where the School has cause for concern about the reason for a pupil’s absence, staff may seek additional information or evidence from parents/carers, and/or make a home visit to verify the reason.

Unauthorised absences may result in a penalty notice or prosecution.

Important reminder about term time leave

Attending school every day helps children and young people maximise their learning and enjoy the benefits of their education. It really does make a difference.

For that reason, the School will not authorise any leave of absence in term time, unless satisfied the reason is exceptional.

We ask parents and carers to request permission in advance, and only if absolutely necessary. Any requests should be put in writing via the leave of absence request form (paper copies are available from the school office) and wherever possible with at least four weeks’ notice. The parent or carer who the child normally lives with should make the application.

Parents and carers are reminded that unauthorised term-time leave may result in a penalty notice or prosecution.

Further information

If you have any questions about the information provided, or any other attendance related questions, please contact the school office.


Behaviour statement

The Governors work closely with the Head Teacher and staff to help guide and develop Wansdyke’s behaviour principles. The opening paragraph of our Behaviour policy best summarise the approach taken by our school:

At Wansdyke we, the staff and Governors, believe that, in accordance to our vision and values, all staff will work collaboratively and constructively with children to ensure they understand the expectations we have for them in terms of their behaviour and conduct in school. This is based on a commitment to spend time ensuring that children are given clear boundaries, encouraged to reflect on and learn about how their behaviour affects others and to support them in developing empathy with those around them. This will be fostered within a calm and purposeful environment in which the development of respectful relationships is seen as a priority. We will communicate clearly with parents about important issues or events regarding the behaviour of their children and work in partnership with them to support their children.

For further information please see our promoting positive relationships policy.


Safeguarding and child protection

Wansdyke Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all of its pupils. Protecting children is everyone's business.

If you are concerned about a child's welfare please come and speak to a member of staff or telephone our office staff on 0117 9030218. 

Out of school hours you can also telephone First Response 0117 903 6444.

Our designated safeguarding team:

Wansdyke Primary School's safeguarding team

From left to right:

  • Miss Ro O'Reilly (Designated Safeguarding Lead and Headteacher)
  • Mrs Lisa Kidd (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Primary Learning Mentor)
  • Mr Nick Forst (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteacher) 

Equality objectives

At Wansdyke Primary School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, gender, disability, religion or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.

Our School Mission statement reflects this ethos "We believe that, in learning side by side, each member of our community will be united in our common purpose, so that through commitment, enthusiasm and determination we will rise from strength to strength together".

More information


Home school agreement

Wansdyke Primary School - 'Learning side by side, rising from strength to strength'.

Mission Statement: "We believe that, in learning side by side, each member of our community will be united in our common purpose so that through commitment, enthusiasm and determination we will rise from strength to strength together."

By working closely together with parents and carers, together we can provide the best possible education for each child in our school.  Part of this process involves committing to our home school agreement.

More information



PE and sports premium funding

The government is providing additional funding to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in school. 

The PE and Sports Premium funding was introduced to enable primary schools to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities that they provide for their pupils. This academic year Wansdyke Primary School will receive approximately £17,790 which we will use to ensure we develop participation, performance and health and well-being.

Click on the link to see our action plan for the use of this year’s Sports Premium funding. This is a working document and will be added to as we progress throughout the year. Scroll down to see what we are currently spending our money on and what has previously been spent.

More information




Pupil premium

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close any gaps between them and their peers.  At Wansdyke Primary School we are committed to providing an education full of opportunities that will prepare all pupils for their future with a positive attitude and an ambition to be the best they can be. We aim to encourage and develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full and strong consideration is given to the allocation of resources to support this vision. This money makes a big difference to schools and pupils. 


What is pupil premium funding?

 Pupil premium funding from the government is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation. It’s provided for pupils who:


  • Are registered for free school meals
  • Have been registered for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years
  • Are, or have been, in care
  • Have parents in the armed forces


We have previously used pupil premium funding for:

  • Educational provision/resources
  • Academic interventions
  • Wellbeing and self-esteem building interventions

The impact of the pupil premium at Wansdyke Primary School    

Pupil premium funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children from families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals entitlement (FSM) now or within the last 6 years. For details on how the pupil premium is used and the impact it has at Wansdyke Primary School please see our plan for 2024-2025. This includes a review for 2023-24.



Is my child eligible for free school meals?

Your child might be eligible if you access:


  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on
  • Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 (£616.67 per month)


Universal infant free school meals

Currently, pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school meal thanks to a different government funding scheme known as universal infant free school meals (UIFSM). You shouldn’t confuse UIFSM with free schools meals and the pupil premium.


If your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2 and is eligible for free school meals according to the criteria above, you should still register because we’ll receive the extra pupil premium funding.


Does my child have to eat the free school meals?

No. Pupils who are registered for free school meals don’t have to eat them. If you’re eligible but you want your child to have packed lunches you should still register because the school will receive the funding which can support your child in other ways.


How do I register?

 You only need to register once at the school.


 To register, please:

 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children

Year 3 children onwards

  • Applying online is the easiest way for children in year 3 or above. You'll get an immediate decision or be told if further information is needed. You'll need a parent or carer’s National Insurance number. Apply for free school meals and Pupil Premium here.


More information

For more information visit


If you have any questions or would like further information or support, please contact the school office in the first instance either in person or via email


SATS results

Our results over a number of years have been consistent at the end of Year 1, KS1 and KS2. Pupils at our school attain results (at the expected standard for their age) which are at least in line with and mainly higher than seen on average in Bristol and Nationally, across Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

Ofsted (2015) commented that, ‘The overwhelming majority of parents agree that teaching is good. They are highly supportive of the school. In a typical comment, one parent said, ‘This is a brilliant school; my children are making such good progress in all areas of their learning.’

Children in Y2 and Y6 have been tested under a new system since 2016.  The assessments are a mixture of tests and teacher assessments which make judgements about children’s attainment in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Writing, Maths and Science. Pupils are assessed against  new expectations as identified in the 2014 National Curriculum. Instead of awarding children a ‘level’ an indication is given as to whether a child is: ‘Working towards’ National expectations, ‘At the expected Standard’ or ‘Working in greater depth within the expected standard’. At the end of KS2, children are given a ‘scaled score’ based on their performance in the national assessment tests. A score of 100 means that a child has reached national expectations and 110 or above indicates that a child is working in greater depth. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.

Performance data: 2021-22

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


More information:


Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

At Wansdyke Primary School, we endeavour to achieve inclusion of all children (including vulnerable learners) whilst meeting their individual needs. Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children within the school and provide scaffolded materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities. This ensures all children have full access to the school curriculum. 

We work within the guidance provided in the SEND code of practice 2015, plus other key guidance including the equality act 2010 and the special educational needs and disability regulations 2014 to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against, children and young people with special educational needs. For further information please refer to our SEND policy.


We are a fully inclusive mainstream primary school, committed to supporting and challenging all pupils to achieve their full potential.

More information


Wansdyke's promotion of British values


At Wansdyke we welcome all children to make a positive contribution to the life of our school and the wider community. Pupil voice is promoted within classes as well as through the range of children's leadership groups which we help organise; children have the opportunity to be elected for a role in the School Council, Green Team, Houses, Bugs etc. These groups communicate the thoughts and opinions of children in each class.

Through assemblies and relevant curriculum areas, we help children to understand some local and national debates along with the roles of people involved and the decision making processes. This includes local and national elections, when our school is often used as a polling station.

Individual liberty

Through pupil conferencing, children's leadership groups and the relationships children have with adults, we promote personal freedom and value freedom of speech. This means that, providing individuals go through the right channels, we take all views into account, listen and respond. Our PSHE lessons/assemblies aim to educate children about their rights and responsibilities, including the empathy required to understand and respect the rights and liberties of other individuals.

When things go wrong, we always give time to individuals to listen, understand differing points of view and help children to understand how other people's rights and liberty may have been affected.

Mutual respect and tolerance

Everyone at our school is treated equally, no matter what their race, age, culture, faith, social status, abilities etc. We will not tolerate the unequal treatment of anyone.

We teach children to understand the present by helping them learn about past history and culture. \Ne believe that our children will get to see an age which adults will not and we therefore want them to understand our country's mistakes as well as the strengths which has made it the place it is today. Again, assemblies and PSHE lessons are some of the key ways in which mutual respect and tolerance are promoted.

The rule of law

We promote 'the rule of law' through regularly sharing our values with children and ways that we expect these values to be followed through school rules. Our school is based on the idea that everyone will abide by the same set of rules. Throughout the curriculum, assemblies and events we aim to develop children's general knowledge of public institutions/services and the importance of these in maintaining a society in which everyone feels safe and happy.

\Ne promote the idea of 'contracts'; this initially start with parents when they sign our home-school agreement. Through a child's schooling, they are encouraged to sign documents such as their end of year reports. If behaviour plans are drawn up, the child is involved and signs the plan. We promote the value of 'fairness' and 'fair play', whether it be on a sports field or while children are walking to school in the morning. Children shake hands with their House Captains when they are awarded certificates each week.


We promote competition through sporting events, house points etc; our sports day is a traditional, competitive event with a podium and parents lining the track. We also promote competition by entering teams into local sports events.

Amongst everything the world offers, we make sure we include those institutions/events which are quintessentially' British and capture/reflect its character, as well as promote the values mentioned above (Monarchy, Royal Legion, Church, Harvest, Wimbledon etc).

Above all, we are a warm and embracing community and we are positive and proud about our school, the community of Whitchurch and its place within the world.
