Children's leadership


Here you will find out more about the wealth of opportunities our children have to develop beyond the curriculum.

They have an essential part in shaping our school through key leadership roles - giving every child in our school a voice.

Young Minds

Our lovely team of Young Minds give every child a voice. They promote wellbeing across the school, by talking to other pupils to find out about their worries and helping teachers to best understand how to support pupil mental health, wellbeing and healthy living.  

Last year, we focused on the following things:

  • Organising and helping to run the 'Feel Good Thursday' group, which enabled children to join in with activities such as mindfulness colouring or lego and chat to people if they had something on their mind. This ran through the Autumn and Spring Terms.
  • Organising Comic Relief activities and running those with each class.
  • Suggesting our 'Chatterbox' which enables children to leave messages for our Learning Mentor, if they find they need to chat about something but are not sure when might be appropriate or are too shy to approach an adult.


We look forward to seeing what ideas they have for the coming year!

Green Team

This busy team of enthusiastic children care greatly about the school environment and beyond. The team work together to think of ways to look after nature and wildlife.  

Last year, we focused on the following things:

  • Exploring ways to reduce and recycle materials we use at school, for example paper
  • Looking after and caring for our school grounds 


We are looking forward to working with other children across the trust as part of the Eco Festival in November. 

Travel Team

This brilliant team of children promote walking, cycling and scooting to school and celebrate the physical, mental and environmental benefits of doing so.

They plan events in the year to encourage active travel to and from school.  

Last year, we focused on the following things:

  • Tracking and monitoring how children and adults travel to school 
  • Teaching our peers about road safety 
School council

Our School Council is a passionate team of children from across the school acting as representatives of their peers in discussing school issues. They help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support children's learning and development. 

Last year, we focused on the following things 

  • Reviewing school's behaviour policy, which is now called Promoting Positive Relationships
  • Welcoming visitors to our school and providing tours to our guests
  • Sharing our views linked to teaching, curriculum and school environment 
A caring school

There are many other ways in which our children support each other during the school day. This makes school life happier and gives children the opportunity to help experience a collective responsibility for the success of the school.

  • Playground Leaders
  • Office Admin Support 
  • ANTS (Assemblies Need Technical Support)
  • Reading Ambassadors
  • House Captains and Vice Captains 