Our staff
Headteacher: Miss O'Reilly
Deputy Headteacher and SENCo: Mr Frost
Primary Learning Mentor: Mrs Kidd
Year R Class Teacher: Mrs Hemmings
Year 1 Class Teacher: Mrs Thomerson (Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Greenwood (Wednesday- Friday)
Year 2 Class Teacher: Mrs Wakeman
Year 3 Class Teachers: Miss Johns and Mr Gonzalez (Monday and Tuesday afternoons)
Year 4 Class Teacher: Miss Young
Year 5 Class Teacher: Miss Barter
Year 6 Class Teacher and KS2 Lead: Mr Osborne
Teaching Assistants:
- Mrs Quinn
- Mrs White
- Mrs Houselander
- Mrs Leacy
- Mrs Heavens
- Mrs Francis
- Mrs Getter
- Mrs Simpson
- Miss Lewis
Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA):
- Mr Gonzalez
- Miss Sims
School Administrators:
- Mrs Williams
- Mrs Brown
Estates: Mr Damsell
Breakfast Club Playleaders / SMSAs:
- Mrs Madden
- Mrs Harvey
- Mrs Comerford
- Mrs White
- Miss Lewis
- Miss Weston
- Mrs Templar
- Miss Worlock
Local Governance Committee (LGC)
The Governors of our school are responsible, with Miss O'Reilly - Headteacher, for running the school. We are elected for a term of four years and include representatives of the local community, our parents,carers and staff.
Although the day-to-day management of the school is the concern of Miss O'Reilly and staff, we help make sure that the school meets its legal obligations and provides an education and ethos which works with the wishes and aspirations of our community.
We work closely with the school staff and give support and advice. We meet at least once a term and look at teaching and learning and resources/finance.
If you would like to find out more about our roles, or would be interested in becoming a Governor for Wansdyke Primary, please email the school clerktogovernors@wansdykeschool.org.uk who will put you in touch with our Chair.
We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor - please contact the office on 0117 9030218 for more details.
Current governors
Ms Claire Bertram: Parent Governor
Terms of office: 3/2/2022 - 2/2/2026
Mr Mark Cox: Community Governor
Terms of office: 3/2/2022 - 2/2/2026
Katarina Fajnorova: Parent Governor
Terms of office: 7/3/2023 - 6/3/2027
Ms Joanne Finkel: Community Governor and Chair of Governors
Term of office: 3/2/2022 - 2/2/2026
Mrs Pauline Getter: Staff Governor
Term of office: 16/1/2023 - 15/1/2027
Mrs Rhianon Gregory-Hemmings: Staff Governor
Terms of office: 3/2/2022 - 2/2/2026
Ms Jade Harris: Parent Governor
Term of office: 7/3/2023 - 6/3/2027
Miss Ro O'Reilly: Headteacher
Term of office: 6/1/2025 - Ex officio
Ms Amy Tuckwell: Community Governor
Term of office: 2/2/2023 - 1/2/2027
Former Governors
We sincerely thank them for their service.
Miss Emily Harris: Headteacher
Term of office: 1/9/2022 - 20/12/2024
More information
All admissions, for all children of any age, to Wansdyke Primary School are dealt with by the Bristol City Council's school admissions team.
Children start school the September after their 4th birthday. However, you apply online between the September and January prior to them starting school in the September. For example, children starting school in September 2024, you will need to apply online between September 2023 and January 2024.
For guidance on deferred/delayed applications (Pdf) please see the admissions arrangements.
We offer 'show rounds' between September and January every year to give prospective parents a chance to come and see the school and meet our Reception teachers. For more information regarding SEND please see our SEND local offer.
If you would like a tour of school before submitting your application, please telephone the school on 0117 903 0218 and book an appointment.
More information
School policies and procedures
- Admissions arrangements 2024-25 (Pdf)
- Admissions arrangements 2025-26 (Pdf)
- Anti-bullying policy (Pdf)
- Attendance policy (Pdf)
- Charging and remissions policy
- Child on child abuse policy (Pdf)
- Child protection and safeguarding policy (Pdf)
- Complaints procedure
- Concern at work (whistleblowing) policy
- Data protection policy
- Freedom of information policy
- Handwriting policy (Pdf)
- Health and safety policy
- Inclusion policy
- Packed lunch policy (Pdf)
- Privacy notice for pupils
- Promoting positive relationships policy (Pdf)
- Personal, social, health education policy (PSHE) (Pdf)
- Online safety policy
- Reading policy (Pdf)
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) policy (Pdf)
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND access plan (Pdf)
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) local offer
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) information report (Pdf)
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy (Pdf)
- Supporting students with medical conditions policy
- Teaching and learning policy
- Uniform policy (Pdf)
For more information please see the Futura Learning Partnership's policies, procedures and statutory information.
Our school can offer facilities which are available to hire for the following:
- Birthday parties
- After school/evening Ccubs
- Sporting activities
- Social occasions
We can provide safe, convenient and local facilities within our school environment for your event. You will be required to attend an induction meeting before any letting can take place. Relevant paperwork will need to be completed and signed off by our governors.
Please contact the school on 0117 903 0218 if you would like further information and/ or would like to book any of our facilities.
Futura Learning Partnership
Wansdyke Primary School is an academy and a Futura Learning Partnership school.
Futura Learning Partnership
Registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH
Tel: 0117 946 1229
Email: enquiries@futuralearning.co.uk
Website: www.futuralearning.co.uk
Futura Learning Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07746787.
Further information:
Wansdyke Primary School is a Futura Learning Partnership School. Futura Learning Partnership employs 1,500 staff, serving nearly 12,000 children in 26 schools. We value every employee and are committed to creating excellent professional development opportunities for all, as well as investing in staff wellbeing.
We have lots of great career opportunities within our trust; take a look at the current vacancies.
To discover how joining our team could benefit you, please visit the Futura website’s career section.