The Office


Planned absences

If you are planning to take your child/ren out of school during term time please complete an absence request form (Word docx). Once it's completed please return to the school office.

Further information

Term dates


Term 1

Inset: 2 September 2024
Starts: 3 September 2024
Ends: 25 October 2024

Term 2

Starts: 4 November 2024
Ends: 20 December 2024

Term 3

Inset day: 6 January 2025
 7 January 2025
Ends: 13 February 2025
Inset: 14 February 2025

Term 4

Starts: 24 February 2025
Ends: 4 April 2025

Term 5

Starts: 22 April 2025
Ends: 22 May 2025
Inset: 23 May 2025

Term 6

Starts: 2 June 2025
Insets: 3 and 4 July 2025
Ends: 18 July 2025
Insets: 21 and 22 July 2025

Printer-friendly version of the term dates 2024/25 (Pdf)

School closure due to adverse weather conditions

If our school has to close due to bad weather all parents will be notified via text message as soon as the decision has been made that the site is not safe for children. However, we will ALWAYS try and keep the school open wherever possible. All of Bristol's school closures can be found on the Bristol City Council's school closure website.

Any news will be communicated by text message. If you do not recieve a text, please assume we are open as normal. This website will be updated every 5 minutes with live, rolling information. Please DO NOT phone the school to see if we are open. This blocks the line for a considerable amount of time.  Instead, please check your phone for a text message, as well as checking the Bristol school's closure website.  Announcements will also be made by local radio stations.  

School catering service

Welcome to Zest our in-house catering service

Zest is proud to say it delivers great homemade food using fresh, healthy, local ingredients at an affordable price for pupils and staff to enjoy.


Free school meals

You can apply for free school meals if you get any of these benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • Universal Credit


Apply online for free school meals or to contact the Council:

Contact details:
Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176. Bristol, BS3 9FS

Tel: 0117 903 7990
Line are open are from Monday to Thursday, 10am - 5pm, Friday: 10am - 4:30pm (closed Wednesdays for staff training).

The school day

Registration: 8.55am - 9am

Break time: 10.45am - 11am

Lunch: 12pm - 1pm

School finishes: 3.20pm

Online payments

The school uses ParentPay for online transactions.

If you require more information please contact the school office.

School uniform

The school's official uniform supplier is Price & Buckland Ltd.

You can have your order delivered straight to your home address or alternatively delivered to the school office.

More information

School uniform policy (Pdf)


A list of all third parties with whom we regularly share pupil information with:

  • Eduspot (schoolpod/teachers2parents)
  • Facebook/Twitter (images and first names only)
  • Fisher Family Trust (assessment)
  • First Response
  • Focus on Families (previously 'Early Help')
  • Majestic gymnastics
  • Nessy (spellings)
  • Parent Pay
  • Target Tracker (EES assessment system)
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Bristol Education Welfare Service
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Wellsway IT Services
  • Speech and Language Team
  • School nurse
School lettings

Our school can offer facilities which are available to hire for the following:

  • Birthday parties
  • After school/evening clubs
  • Sporting activities
  • Social occasions

We can provide safe, convenient and local facilities within our school environment for your event. You will be required to attend an induction meeting before any letting can take place. Relevant paperwork will need to be completed and signed off by our governors.

Please contact tel: 0117 916 1035 or email: if you would like further information and/or would like to book any of our facilities.


At Wansdyke, we believe in offering a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities to enhance children’s learning, promote positive relationships and create links with the community.

As much as possible, we endeavour to offer clubs at the lowest cost we can. When external providers are bought in, we negotiate the best prices we can. We do also contribute some of our Pupil Premium money to certain clubs, when we recognise that it will benefit FSM children.

For more information please contact tel: 0117 903 0218 or email:

Medical consent

We try and encourage parents to book medical appointments outside of school hours. If you do have to make an appointment for your child during school time, please fill out the information on the form below and return to the school office at least 24 hours before you collect your child from school.

You must provide the hospital letter, dental appointment card or Doctor's appointment card along with this form. If you have booked a Doctor's appointment over the telephone, the surgery will be able to provide you with an appointment card when you arrive at the surgery. Please then bring this into school the following day so we can keep it for our records.

Any other circumstances for removing your child early from school must be pre-arranged and authorised by the Head Teacher.

Photo and video consent

General principles for student images and video recording

Student photos and video recordings may be used for identification purposes and evidencing educational development. Such data will not be shared unless the law requires us to do so, or specific consent has been provided by the parent/carer.

Videos may be taken of lessons to support staff development; these may be seen by other teachers in school for staff training.

Where video or sound recording is required as part of an exam course for moderation purposes, such as drama, dance, music and PE, consent is not required other than opting to choose to study the course.

Parents / carers are welcome to take videos and photos of their children at school events for their own personal use. However, to respect everyone’s privacy rights and in some cases protection, these images must not be published or made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activities involving other students in the images / footage. Websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. When images are posted on the internet, it is not possible to prevent others from reposting them.

Futura Schools use third party school photographers. These third parties come into school to take pictures of students (and their siblings) and pass the images back to the school. Proofs are distributed to parents/carers by the school. Parents/carers wishing to purchase images, do so by direct payment to the photographer. Schools are able to provide information on the specific photographer used in each school and direct parents/carers to their photographer’s own data protection policy.

Additional and specific consent for use by external agencies/companies may be sought.

For further information about how students’ personal information is collected and managed, please refer to the privacy notice on the trust website.

Parental consent

Parents provide consent for publication of their child’s image through the Parental Consents section of the My Child At School parent portal, or by contacting the school. Parental consent falls into two broad categories: School News/Events and Promotional Material.

Parental consent - school news and events

By consenting to ‘School News and Events’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school newsletters and information bulletins. These publications may be printed or published on-line via the school’s website. School websites do not have restricted access.
  • Images or video footage may be used on school social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, WhatsApp and Instagram. Note: social media accounts may not be closed groups.
  • Students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be shown on any of the aforementioned social media sites, they should withdraw consent for this category. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain social media platforms (e.g. Facebook) but not others (e.g. Twitter).

Parental consent - promotional material

By consenting to ‘promotional material’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school on activity boards, screens or reception area for promotional purpose. Note: this is separate to our statutory obligation to display work around the school, which may contain personal information; schools do not require consent to do this.
  • Images or video footage may be used on the school website for publicity purposes.
  • Images may be used in printed materials such as the school prospectus.
  • Images or video footage may be used in the media (local / national press). Student’s names will only be published in exceptional circumstances, and with parent/carer permission. 
  • Unless parents/carers give express consent, students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be used for specific purposes (e.g. prospectus, but not media), consent should be withdrawn. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain promotional material but not others.

Parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time either through the Bromcom MCAS account or by contacting the school.

Breakfast club

Join our breakfast club.

The cost is £3.00 per day, per child. You can pay online via ParentPay.  

Club is open from 7.50am - 8.55am Monday - Friday  

Breakfast menu

Toast and a selection of cereals with a glass of fruit juice.

Reserve a permanent place by speaking to Mrs Madden, Mrs Harvey or the office staff.

All parents must complete a breakfast club application form (Pdf) before their child can start breakfast club.

The Office

News Archive